Saturday, March 28, 2015

Become an Agent Revision Guidelines AND WINNER!

Become an Agent is OVER! (Kind of.)

There is a revision opportunity available. More about that below. BUT FIRST. WE MUST ANNOUNCE THE WINNER!

The winner is.....





*!!*Entry 6!*!!*
*blows confetti*
I won't be announcing the author's name just yet because of privacy and stuff, BUT please, author, contact me! We have an interview to set up (if you are up for it :D).

CONGRATS CONGRATS! Go read that amazing query and 250.

As for revisions:

If you want a revision opportunity, email me your revisions by Monday 5 pm EST using the same format, except in the subject line of your email, write: "Revision: Post #___" (and fill the ___ in with whatever post number you are).

List of Revised Entries

Post 1
Post 2
Post 3
Post 5
Post 6
Post 8
Post 9
Post 10
Post 11
Post 12
Post 13
Post 14
Post 15
Post 16
Post 17
Post 18
Post 19
Post 20

Same rules apply for voting etiquette, except now you can give as many as you want Yes's. And, more Importantly, say if the review was an improvement or not! Still give the 'Yes' and 'No' (sorry, it might feel a lot more brutal to get No's now after revisions, but honesty is the best, in my opinion).

Be sure to return the critique if your revision gets critiqued! Make sure to include your number in your post so the writer has criticized an easier time finding your post.

(I better see all of you submitting to NESTPITCH!)


Now That the contest is (almost) over, it's the time for feedback for  me.  In the end, all I want to know is:  How was the contest? Any suggestions for the next time?  Be as honest as you need to be.


  1. I think this contest was up there with writeoncon when it comes to contests that have helped me with my writing the most! Amazing participation and everyone was very professional and helpful. Thank you for doing this. I know it must take a lot of time. I don't have any words of wisdom for next year.

  2. I agree that this was a great contest. It was well-organized and not at all confusing when it came to entering, etc. It is a LITTLE difficult critting genres you've barely read in, but otherwise, I have no negative comment :D

  3. I have loved taking part in this contest and the feedback has been first rate. I have a great support network of writers, and they offer terrific critiques, but they a) know and socialize with me and b) all write in the same genre as me. And a lot of them, since they've read the first 20-30 pages, already know what my novel is about without having to work it out from a query. It was invaluable to have people tell me what they thought my novel was about so I could see exactly where things were going off the rails. The suggestions on what to bring in and what to leave out has also been great.

    I think you should just keep doing what you're doing. You do an outstanding job of prepping us for the crush of having everyone say no, as well as you can, anyway. I appreciated at least being in that mind set as things got underway.

    Thanks! And I'll always come back to crit during Become an Agent!!

  4. Thanks so much for hosting this! I loved so much about this contest. I got zero yes's, but that's okay because I entered mostly for query feedback. The novel I entered is in first draft stage, so I truly appreciated the comments on my 250. Bonus!

    One thing I would say, is that writers who entered this contest need to keep in mind that we should never query agents or editors that do not represent what we wrote. That said, it seemed like some "no's" could have been "yes's" had we were able to "query" the right people, if you know what I mean. I doubt that issue could really be addressed here, since you get who you get as far as entrants go. I thought the feedback was extremely helpful, and from reading what others wrote for the other entries, I learned a lot too!

  5. It has been incredibly useful and I'm really grateful to everyone who took the time to critique. Even a solid "no" takes a lot of time, sometimes more time, to write.

    Thank you so much for hosting the opportunity!

    Now a question: I didn't include an "about me" section in the first query. It would be relevant to an agent. Is it okay to include one with the revision?

    Still #2.

  6. I can't think of anything to change. You did a great job prepping us for the 'no's' and I got as much from both replies because the critiques told me what to fix. Limiting the number of 'yes's' we could give out was a great idea. I'm glad I entered. Thanks for hosting this.

  7. I agree -- this has been such an incredible experience. To have over a dozen people critique -- especially those who don't necessarily read your genre -- has been enormously helpful. I can't think of anything I'd change about this event. Thanks so much for hosting!

  8. You're the greatest, SC. I wouldn't change a thing. This was a wonderful experience.

  9. Thank you so much for hosting this contest! It was incredibly helpful.

  10. Yay! Congrats #6! Awesome writing!

  11. Love. This. Contest. Flat out. Such a solid, helpful experience -- even when I wasn't in it, as I was last year, the critiquing I did helped me spotlight areas of my own query that need work.
    Thank you!!
    Plus more evidence of the fact that this writing community ROCKS!!!!!!
