Sunday, August 10, 2014

'Become an Agent' Revision GUIDELINES

Read this post before you criticize revisions!

Pitch Wars is coming up very very soon. I had the September deadline for votes to be on Tuesday at 9 pm but since I'll be away from the Internet starting Wednesday morning until Sunday (VACATION TIME !!!!) I thought I'd bump it up to make room for revisions .

The new deadline is today, Monday, 6 pm EST.

Most of You have Already done your votes so thank you! If You Have not done it and can not get it done in the time frame, do not worry about it, just do it before 9 pm Tuesday. I'll tally up the votes and post the winner on Tuesday.

Starting at 6 pm EST, I'll edit each post and replace  the entry with a review that you 'guys can send me at the same email, same format, same everything, except  in the email's subject line, say 'Become an Agent Post # __ '(whatever post number you are).

Everyone That PARTICIPATED in the contest have the opportunity to submit a revised version of Their query and 250 The revisions will come from the feedback gotten From this contest.

That Those revisions have posted, I'll list below. (I'll try to do it as fast as possible: D)

Revised List of Entries

Post 1
Post 2
Post 4
Post 5
Post 6
Post 9
Post 11
Post 17
Post 18
Post 19
Post 20

The quicker you send me your revisions, the quicker I ll have them up! Already I've got a few.

Same rules apply for  voting etiquette , except now you can give as many as you want Yes's (way too hard to track with a changing number of revisions). And, more Importantly, say if the review was an improvement or not! 

So, still give the 'Yes' and 'No' (sorry, it might feel a lot more brutal to get No's now after revisions, but honesty is the best, in my opinion). But Also say, "Improvement" or "Not Improved".

As always, be  constructive.  brutally Do not be harsh. There's a smaller number of entries now so take your time to tell them what they 'did right In Their query and 250 as well :) I feel That it's almost as Important as Knowing Knowing what's working what's not working.

Be sure to return the please if your review gets to criticize! posted If You Have to revision and are critiquing someone else's review, make sure to include your number in your post so the writer has criticized An Easier time finding your post.


Now That the contest is over, it's the time for feedback for  me.  In the end, all I want to know is:  How was the contest? Any suggestions for the next time?  Be as honest as you need to be.


  1. Glad this series has been such a hit.
    Enjoy your vacation!

  2. This contest has been awesome. I'm not an entrant, but I've enjoyed voting from the audience. I hope the replaced entries have a "REVISED" at the top so that if I've already voted I can say whether I think it's improved.

  3. This contest has been great! I really liked having a no-stakes type place to air a query that I knew wasn't the best it could be, and get helpful feedback (I had entry 1)

  4. Thanks for holding this event. I've found it invaluable getting fresh eyes on the query (I think I'd gone 'query blind') to see what was missing.

  5. I really want to than you for this. It was great to get feedback and apply those thoughts to the query and the first 250. It was also interesting to see the reaction to the main character. Those reactions help firm up the character and help create the mood and tone for the novel. As mentioned on twitter, I would love to be able to give better feedback, and will work on that in the future. Thanks again.

    # 12

  6. Thank you so much for running this contest! I'm so glad I made it in. I thought my query was in great shape, but this contest made it clear that stuff that was crystal clear to me was confusing for just about everyone else -- something I never would have caught on my own. I feel like my query is vastly improved. And, as always, critiquing others is the best way to learn about how to make my own query shine!

    It's also been awesome reading other people's queries and seeing some of the great work that's out there. I wish everyone well in their publication journeys!

    Thanks again! This has been really great!


  7. A huge THANKS for running your contest, and also a thank-you to all other entrants and audience members who provided such valuable feedback. It was hard to see all the "No's," but that's the point. Just goes to show that writing truly is a group effort. Like #17 said, in your mind it all makes sense but to others it is a confusing mess!

    I'm so, so, so happy I had a chance to get feedback and brush up my query and first 250 before PitchWars, but also just in general. Hopefully (fingers crossed!) people will like my revision better!

    Good luck to all the authors out there!
