Monday, August 6, 2012

An Incredible Thank You

A HUGE thank you goes out to you guys.

The last two weeks I was on vacation with no Internet or phone or laptop or computer. It got easier, (and funner) as the days passed. I still missed you guys though. I missed the amazing writers' community on the Internet.

There were times where I was thinking, "Oh no, the scheduled blog posts I had for these two weeks, due to some technicality, won't post. My blog will be dead even though I promised posts, and even though I asked for posts from my close friends." It was scary, not knowing what was happening, almost like leaving your own home for two weeks. I was scared that everyone disappeared when I got on the Internet yesterday.

They didn't.

You guys are more amazing than I can say. For two weeks, even though I wasn't here, you guys helped me out so much. I feel this Blogging Marathon was a huge success, because I've seen new, amazing people (sorry for not commenting on all the comments, I'm still recovering from post-vacation exhaustion) and I hope the guest bloggers had fun (did you?). You guys are blessing, and meeting everyone here is one of the, if not the, most amazing things that ever happened to me as a writer. I love you guys more than I can say.

This entire post will be all about thanking you guys because it is just so important. I'm literally like smiling while I'm writing this. Eep! And I haven't used ONE exclamation point or smiley this whole entire time till now! That is like a record for me, which shows just how seriously I mean what I said. Here comes the exclamation point and smiley train wreck, because I just NEED to use them. You guys seriously are the best :)

I loved reading all the comments and seeing the interactions that happened while I was away. So many AWESOME posts went up, and I love reading all of them (again). Oh, and the give-away is still going on! So sign up!! It is an AWESOME give-away. Seriously.

Thank you guys once again :) You are the best.


  1. We wouldn't ignore you while you're away!

  2. I've been gone too! And I love your blog---it's fabulous! This kind of "catch-up" is fun! :D

  3. Welcome back!! :D And it WAS fun. :)
