Thursday, June 19, 2014

Query Kombat Round 3 Match Ups!

Round 2 of Query Kombat is officially over, and kontestants have finished licking their wounds revising their entries to gear up for the next round. For round 3, we are down to sixteen entries. This is surely going to be the toughest round yet. Some heavy hitter are going at it and we have no idea which of you will come out standing.

If our judge thought the last round was hard, they haven't seen anything yet

Below is the list of those who will go on to the next round. Let me know if we made any mistakes!

Make a Baby with Socks On
Beauty and the Crazy Kidnapper
Love is Hell
Can't Keep a Bad Girl Down
Lavender Marriage
A Cozy for Geeks
Making Boys Cry
World on a String
Girl Destroys World
Star Light, Star Bright
Tag, You're Dead
A Burning Dilemma
Shalom Sasquatch
Maidens, Monks, & Murder

Red: Team Michelle
Blue Team SC
Orange: Team Mike 

CONGRATS to all who made it. To those who didn't, you fought valiantly. You should be proud of yourselves. And team #Writerbees (my team) WE SHALL PREVAIL! Mike is dominating right now but it's all about the winner.

Round 3 will be hosted on my blog. It starts on June 21st and will run through June 23rd.

Best of luck combatants.

Round 3 match ups are listed below

Lavender Marriage VS Make a Baby with Socks On

Can't Keep a Bad Girl Down VS  Making Boys Cry

Beauty and the Crazy Kidnapper VS Love is Hell

WEEL VS Tag, You're Dead

BingBamBoomBFF VS Star Light, Star Bright

World on a String VS Girl Destroys World

Shalom Sasquatch VS A Burning Dilemma

A Cozy For Geeks VS Maidens, Monks, and Murder

Good luck everyone!


  1. I haven't been able to go around to everyone, but we have a strong 4!! :D

  2. Testing! Been having trouble with my comments showing up. So I am testing it. Want to be ready for this weekend!

  3. This looks so fun!
