Monday, April 15, 2013

One Year of Blogging! & C-Contest?

YAYY!!!! This month is my one year anniversary of blogging!

I actually created this blog for "The Writer's Voice" contest in late April. I don't know the exact date that I created the blog (no idea how to figure it out) but it was in April, so I'm counting this as it :)


And yes. You heard right. A contest. Another one. Coming up soon. Shhhhhh..............

It'll be big. Agents. Mentors. Tournaments.

Get your queries and first 250 words in shape. And if your MS is close to being polished, POLISH IT! That's all I'm saying!

If you want a bit more teasing, tweet with the #QueryKombat hashtag on Twitter. Keep an eye on this blog and that hashtag. You won't want to miss this.

Shhh!!! It's a secret!!!!!!!!

I just watched Lincoln last night, so I'm probably (probably) going to do a post on the movie on Friday. Pretty darn good movie, if you ask me!

Contest excitement, anybody? And woo! One year of blogging :D *happiness*


  1. 1 year already? Congrats SC. You've done a great job.

  2. The blogging world wouldn't be the same without you, SC!

    So glad you're here. And I love all the awesome things you are doing for this community. :D

  3. Let's see...252 words. Damn! I need to cut something.

  4. Can't wait to hear more about your contest, SC.

  5. Sounds like a fun contest...and congrats on your blogerversary!

  6. Let's see...252 words. Damn! I need to cut something

  7. Hurray! You're one year! That reminds me...when's mine?! lol I started with the PAD challenge, so I think I missed my year. lol

  8. Wow! Yay! And my stuff is prepped and waiting :)

  9. Way to go, SC! And may you have many more :)
