Yes. It is that time.

The SC Spooks, our 13 (scary number!) team for Nightmare on Query Street, is being revealed.
I know you guys will all run down to the list, but I have some things to say.
Actually, I've said it all many times. Over and over. And I'm tired of saying the same thing over and over! You know? So click here, and here, and especially here and here. I can go on, I've written about this a lot! If you still don't believe in the subjective nature of contest picking, if you still don't believe that my 'picking' is not at all as big of a reflection of quality as you might think, then I really can't do much else. I've told you the truth. You can lead a horse to water....
Picking was hard. Very hard. But I think we've got an amazing team.
Timber Point
Erasing Ramona
The Battle Born
Thicker than Water
Eighteen Years Later
When You Don't Know Me
Finding Beauty
Down for the Count
A Ghoulish Affair
Winter on Brimstone Hill
I Wish I Had a...Dang You Autocorrect!
And my Free Pass, Beyond the Wild
We are going to destroy Michelle's Minions and Mike's Monsters. I mean, both of them start with M and that's boring. We're the SC Spooks (#SCSpooks). And we are going to DOMINATE.
Mentors, regardless of what I sent you in your mail - you can contact your mentee now! We unveiled our picks a bit early :)
Mentors, regardless of what I sent you in your mail - you can contact your mentee now! We unveiled our picks a bit early :)
There has been conflicting information (probably my fault!) so the below is the correct info on what's happening, mentor-wise.
Writers should be getting emails from your mentors within the day. Contact me if, by Wednesday, you don't get them. You will be working with your mentor in private, over email, not on the blog. Please PLEASE keep one thing in mind: I picked many of you guys based on the potential of improvement. Meaning, if the entries you sent in were the final versions, I might not have picked you. So don't take your position on the team to mean you shouldn't listen to mentor advice! Please, take into account what they say. They are smart, talented, and knowledgeable. If something they say doesn't settle well with you, feel free to disregard that advice if you honestly believe it is not helpful. Just trust your gut. And don't bombard your mentors with emails! They are professionals too :)
Mentors, be tough, be brutal, but only in letting the writer's essence come through.
Revised entries must be sent by the writer by midnight of the 25th, EST!
Revised entries must be sent by the writer by midnight of the 25th, EST!
Congrats to the Spooks! This is going to be a great contest!