Wednesday, July 23, 2014

My Picks and Maybe's for "In With the New" Contest

Here were my picks for Michelle's "In With the New" contest going on right now!!!

Before you read, know this:

I read almost all of the 191 entries, but not all. There is a chance I might not have read yours! But don't worry, one of the other five slush readers did.

Also, this was INCREDIBLY subjective and hard to decide (if you follow me on Twitter, you know). More about this in tomorrow's post.

My Yes's:

In Between Them 
Ratman’s Revenge       

My Maybe's:

Supernatural Freak
His Game, Her Rules
Barnswallow Summer
Life As I Knew It
Deadly Triggers
Dead Man’s Watch
Life Set Sail
The GAP Project
Summer Confessions
The Black Dragon’s Mate
The Truth About Two Shoes
Perfect Together
The Front Range
Land of the Free

Some of my Maybe's were picked as Yes's by other slush readers! Just shows how subjective it all is.

Good luck in the contest!!! Hope you get awesome requests.


  1. Almost two hundred? That's a lot of reading...

  2. Thanks SC for publishing this list. Sometimes it's so hard to gauge where your writing stands and making it on the maybe list gave me the extra boost I needed today. Also, a huge thanks for taking the time out of your day to host contests. I learned quite a bit from the tidbits on the twitter feeds about what not to do and hopefully it'll propel my writing/query letter to the next level.

  3. Really appreciate yours posting the Maybe list, thank you!

    P.S. I love Harry Potter, too! ;)

  4. Thanks for posting your maybes! It was a nice surprise to see LOGOS made your list. I have a feeling it was the evil query that fell short.
    Thanks again for sharing your time and expertise!
