This list is not final - more agents quite possibly will be coming.
The Agents
*All bios and pictures were taken from the respective agency's websites, Twitter pages, or from interviews on other blogs*
In alphabetical order!

Jordy Albert
Jordy Albert is a Literary Agent and co-founder of The Booker Albert Literary Agency. She holds a B.A. in English from Pennsylvania State University, and a M.A. from Millersville University of Pennsylvania. She has worked with Marisa Corvisiero during her time at the L. Perkins Agency and the Corvisiero Literary Agency. Jordy also works as a freelance editor/PR Director. She enjoys studying languages (French/Japanese), spends time teaching herself how to knit, is a HUGE fan of Doctor Who, and loves dogs.
She is looking for stories that capture her attention and keep her turning the page. She is looking for a strong voice, and stories that have the ability to surprise her. She loves intelligent characters with a great sense of humor. She would love to see fresh, well-developed plots featuring travel, competitions/tournaments, or time travel. Jordy is looking for:
*ROMANCE (contemporary, or historical--soft spot for Regency).
* YA: Open to pretty much any genre; however, she's looking especially for YA that has a very strong romantic element.
*Middle Grade: contemporary, fantasy, action/adventure, or historical.

Claire Anderson-Wheeler
Claire Anderson-Wheeler joined Regal Literary in 2013. Claire started her career in Christine Green Authors' Agency in London in 2008, before crossing the pond to New York, where she took a position as Foreign Rights Manager at Anderson Literary Management. Claire graduated with a Law degree from Trinity College, Dublin, and subsequently from the University of East Anglia with a Masters in Creative Writing - and as far back as she can remember, has always been reading. As an Irishwoman born in DC and raised in Switzerland and Belgium, Claire considers herself a European Amerophile and very lucky to have a foot in both camps. She's glad to consider submissions across a range of genres, the common thread throughout being a meaty narrative and a confident voice. In non-fiction, she is chiefly looking for topical memoir, popular science and pop psychology with a solid research background; in fiction, her primary interests are literary fiction, Young Adult fiction and upper-end middle grade, and commercial women's fiction with strong contemporary themes. (Though certainly open to narratives that play with the traditional concept of reality, this unfortunately does not extend to supernatural thrillers or epic fantasy.)

Sandy Lu
Sandy is seeking submissions that draw her in with a unique voice and a good yarn that will make her miss her subway stop and keep her up at night.
In fiction, she is looking for dark literary and commercial fiction, mystery, thriller, psychological horror, paranormal/urban fantasy, historical fiction, and YA. In particular, she is looking for historical thrillers or mysteries set in Victorian times.
In non-fiction, she is looking for narrative non-fiction, history, biography, pop science, pop psychology, pop culture (music/theatre/film), humor, and food writing.
She is also actively searching for espionage fiction and non-fiction set in China between the two World Wars. No romance, high fantasy, children’s picture books, how-to/self-help, parenting, religion/spirituality, and sports.

Pooja Menon
Pooja Menon joined Kimberley Cameron & Associates as an intern in the fall of 2011, with the aim of immersing herself in the elusive world of books and publishing. She soon realized that being an agent was what she was most drawn to as the job was varied and challenging. She represents both fiction and non-fiction for Adult and YA markets.
Her passion for reading inspired her to acquire a BA in Literature and Media from England. Her love for writing then took her to Los Angeles where she pursued an M.F.A in Fiction from the Otis School of Art and Design.
As a new agent, Pooja is looking to build her client list and is eager for submissions by debut novelists and veteran writers. She's looking for writing that has an easy flow and a timely pacing, along with a unique perspective and a strong voice.
In fiction, she is interested in literary, historical, commercial, and high-end women's fiction. However, she's most drawn to stories with an international flavor, vibrant characters, multi-cultural themes, and lush settings.
In fantasy, she's looking for original, layered plots with worlds as real and alive as the ones that were created by J.K Rowling and Tolkien.
In non-fiction, she's looking for adventure & travel memoirs, journalism & human-interest stories, and self-help books addressing relationships and the human psychology from a fresh perspective.
In YA, she's looking for stories that deal with the prevalent issues that face teenagers today. She is also interested in fantasy, magical-realism, and historical fiction.
Katherine Sands
A literary agent with the Sarah Jane Freymann Literary Agency, I am actively building my client list. When considering new fiction, I read to be swept up by the urgency of the narrative, the story that makes me want to turn the page. For nonfiction, I want the writer to argue the case for publication successfully, showing me the reasons why hers is a unique and zeitgeist-y treatment of the subject. I look for the writer who can transport the reader somewhere interesting; I am on the lookout for the writer who can teach the reader something new. I'm searching for joie de vivre-- writing that takes a fresh look, writing that is insightful, observant, "infotaining." Writing that is transporting. Writing that makes you want to turn the page. I can become excited by many kinds of potential books in a broad range of categories: from commercial fiction and nonfiction, including popular culture, personal growth, leisure activities, lifestyle, home arts, entertainment, and cookbooks to serious nonfiction, including psychology, social thought, history, health to the more eclectic popular reference, travel, spirituality.

Jessica Sinsheimer
I love smart, dynamic female characters—especially if there’s a hint of mischief, otherwise fun bad behavior, or justified violence involved. I can’t watch violent TV—I’d love to watch Game of Thrones or Breaking Bad, because they’re so smart, but the gore will give me nightmares. Still, in books—perhaps because I’m not getting this with my television—I get a little bloodthirsty if it’s justified.
A combination of highbrow sentences and lowbrow content often works for me, too.
Romance and erotica, or elements of these, would be wonderful.
I love women’s fiction that sets itself apart from other works in the genre.
All brands of YA are welcome. I think I’m starting to go through a fantasy phase. Please note, though, that I need a large dose of intellect with my fantasy to feel grounded in this new world.
I love sentences that describe normal things in a new way. I love reading a work and pausing to think, “Wow. Yes. I never realized that about [something totally mundane in life], and now the mundane things seem a bit more beautiful.” (Yes, I’m typing this while my morning coffee works on my brain. Hush.)
In terms of nonfiction, I’d love a food memoir—but I never get any! I know they’re out there. I’d especially love one with a younger narrator—in his/her twenties or thirties, say.
I’d love some popular science. I’m fascinated by the intersection of food, hormones, and emotion. If someone does this book, please send it my way. I also really like reading about neuroscience, psychology, parenting, history tied to a theme (I’m reading a great book on the history of gin now), environmental issues, and works that speak to life in the twenty-first century.
I’m pretty nerdy. I spend way too much time watching NOVA. And if you haven’t seen Through the Wormhole with Morgan Freeman, you’re missing out.
Honestly, though, we’re open to all genres. We like pleasant surprises.
Sometimes a challenge can be particularly enticing—I sold an informative, hilarious “ADHD isn’t all bad—here are the unique advantages of this diagnosis, and how to work them into a successful teen life” book in a saturated market of “Here’s how to pretend you don’t have ADHD.” Same with a novel featuring a dominant woman—in a market that firmly believed women (and female readers) only like alpha males.
And both books are doing great.
If I believe in a cause, I want to fight for it.
This line up is fantastic. I'm very excited for this contest, and I can't wait - or maybe I can wait, slush reading is usually the hardest and most stressful part of contests DX - to read your submissions! START WRITING THOSE PITCHES. Make sure you read the submission guidelines as well!
P.S. If I can get the selected 30 posts up on Thursday the 17th instead of that Friday, I will.
P.P.S. Pitches can go up to 40 words instead of 35, now!
Impressive list, SC!