Saturday, June 15, 2013

Round 3 of Query Kombat has BEGUN!

Go go go!!!

The 16 entries (8 match-ups) are posted on Mike's blog.

These 16 entries (query + first 250 words) have had two days over which they were edited, honed, and strengthened with the help of one of our amazing mentors. THESE ENTRIES ARE GOING TO BE INCREDIBLE. I can't wait to read them -- I loved so many of them before, and I bet I'll love them even more now.

Round 3 will end on June 18th, 8 PM EST (so all the judges' votes have to be in at that time). I don't envy the judges' jobs (and I'm one of the judges this time since the posts aren't on my blog (the blog host votes only for tie-breakers)....SIGH).

At the end of the Kontest, ALL of these entries will get looked over by our ten agents (and any others that wish to stop by) where they can make however many requests they want to.

The Final Four entries are the ones that will get special special agent interest, where the agents will have to vote as to which entry they think will win (and if it does, they get the full manuscript a while before any other agent in the contest does!).

SO GO GO GO! Look over the entries on Mike's blog and have fun reading these AMAZING submissions that beat out about 200 other entries!

How are you guys liking Query Kombat so far?


  1. Hi SC! Thanks for mentioning that picture of the Colosseum on my blog. WOW! It is amazing to see artist's depictions of how antiquities really looked! Good luck to the round 3 contestants!!

  2. Busy busy busy! All the best to everyone who's entered.
