Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Find Out if You Can Submit to Query Kombat 2015!

Query Kombat 2015 is rolling in this weekend (ahh!!) and we thought it'd be a great time to go over the essentials.

Can you submit to Query Kombat 2015? If you pass these three criteria, you can!

  1. Your submission must be PB (50-word limit), MG, YA, NA, or Adult (so, basically, any age category) and must be complete and polished.
  2. You must be following Mike's blog, Michelle's blog, and you must be subscribed to my #WriteInclusively monthly newsletter.
  3. Your submission cannot have been in the agent round of any contest within the last year, except if you were in Secret Agent or were an alternate for Pitch Wars.
  4. You can submit to the Writer's Voice as well!
That's it! We know there has been some back-and-forth on Twitter, but this is the final decision. If we decide on any changes (which is pretty unlikely, but hey, you never know) come back to this post for any updates.

Also, this contest, although VERY FUN, is a big huge time commitment. Please consider supporting the contests and Michelle's blog! (She doesn't like to brag about how much work she does but she does a LOT - she's taken off work for some contests.)

That's it! Have any questions? Comment below. But biggest question: ARE YOU EXCITED?!?!

1 comment:

  1. I'm so excited for this one. Query Kombat is off the hook this year, so many agents! You should have a raffle to see who can guess how many entries you guys get in an hour. I'd bet, 186.
