Monday, January 21, 2013

Hit Blogging Milestone - 10k Views! XD

WOOOO!!! As of now, I have about 10,500 views on my blog, which means I hit 10k more than a week ago, but didn't notice :D

I started 'seriously' blogging in June, and although I got 500ish views from the Writer's Voice contest in May, I didn't 'seriously' blog that month. So I guess you can say I have 10,000 views of 'serious' blogging.

I made this blog because of the Writer's Voice contest, and although I didn't make it in (my entry pieces were atrocious) I did make this blog, which is probably one of the best gifts the Voice contest could have given me. Thank you Voice contest!

So, yes, I hit 10k views of 'serious' blogging in about 8 months. May not seem like much, but I'm happy.

Thank you so so so so much for being one of the best online communities ever. Thank you for following my blog, reading my posts, and commenting. It means so, so much to me that you care about what I have to say. It really does; I feel happy :) And I haven't thought too hard about it until now, but I feel so grateful for all of you on my blog.

Thank you so much for every single one of these 10k views!



  1. Congratulations! And this community is just amazing. So much support.

  2. Awesome. I'm at 12k, and I started in June 2011.

  3. That's a mighty feat! Congrats, SC :)

  4. Congrats, SC! You're ahead of me and you started your blog later. You must have a knack for blogging.

  5. Congrats, SC! It is an amazing community. :)

  6. Congratulations! I agree about having a blog - definitely one of the best things I ever did too. The writing community is truly wonderful! Keep it up!

  7. Congrats! You're on your way! It's been so nice getting to know you through your posts! :)

  8. Too awesome, SC. And your blog is totally one that I am genuinely interested to see what you have to say. You've got a great mixture of thought-provoking posts along with inspiration. You are someone who sticks out in the community! Glad you're here. :D

  9. Hey, SC!

    I'm a new follower and look forward to upping your view count. Since I'm a new blogger, I have no idea to see how many people view my blog. How do I do that? :)
